mEVChip: A microfluidic device to assess the anti-inflammatory effects of ginger-derived nanovesicles on mammalian cells

Acronym: mEVchip   mEVchip is a joint bilateral research project financed by the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute of the United Mexican States (Cinvestav) and the National Research Council of Italy (CNR).  The production of EVs from mammalian cells is a low-yield process, uses expensive reagents, and time-consuming. At EVs & MS laboratory, we develop and apply novel methodologies to isolate and characterize nanometer-sized vesicles from plant resources that could overcome some of the problems related to mammalian cell-derived EVs. Bioactivity of the vesicles is an important aspect that is generally studied in several separate in vitro bioassays characterized by a high sample usage. To tackle this limitation we started a collaboration with the LMAB laboratory at CINVESTAV that is specialized in designing and fabricating microfluidic devices for biological studies. The main expected advantages of using the microfluidic device in EV biological studies will be the increased sensitivity, speed, and reduced quantities of samples and reagents. In mEVchip project, we will study the interaction of ginger-derived nanovesicles with single cells on a specifically designed microchip with multiple readouts.  Collaborator Lab: LMAB lab (Laboratorio de microtecnologias aplicadas a la biomedicina) 

Where we are


EVs & MS laboratory

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

National Research Council

via P. Castellino, 111

80131, Napoli


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